For anybody out there who can read german, you have got to get this magazine. Just a few months ago, the then only OS/2
magazine, announced that they would be taking the OS/2 Inside (that's what it was called) of the marked, and just sell it
with the Byte as a supplement, and that only if you subscribed. Well I don't really want the Byte.
But now there is a new magazine to look forward to. You can read about it on this page (it is in german tough!)
Click her to find out more.
They still want input for topics and stuff. Oh I forgot the best thing, with every 2nd magazine there will be a CD-ROM with
all the best share and freeware programs in it. Is that awesome or what!?
From the middle of july there will be a -OS/2 Only- homepage in german, and at the of july there will be one in english to.
I'll keep you posted were it is. The first printed issue will appear on the 1st of august, latest on the 10th of august.
It will cost no more than 12.80 DM (that is about 4 pounds) in Germany. The prise for use living abroad has not been
set yet, but there will be a reduction for students etc. Again I'll let you know as soon as I find out!!
The best is that the -Only- is aimed at end users, and if enough copies are sold in german, the publisher will producing
an english edition to. I am sooooo exited about this. :o)
I guess everyone knows this but I'll mention it anyway. PM-View for OS/2. Need I say more?! The best program, ever, to edit you photos and any other format for pictures you can think of. You can download a 31 day free trial version at
In my opinion the best Office package. And NOT only for OS/2. You can get it for all platforms going!
Good stuff about it: Excellent Word processor and Internet integration.
Bad stuff about it: Well not so bad, but not so good either. The spread sheet. I hate to admit this but Microsoft Excel is better. :( It has more and better ways to present data. But I hope that will change soon.
StarOffice version 5.1a is now available in the Sun Home page
Cost: FREE for privat use
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