Table of contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Research 1
1.1: Statement of the Problem 1
1.2: Purpose of the Study 1
1.3: Null Hypothesis 2
1.4: Definition of Terms 2
1.5: Limitations of the Study 6
Chapter 2: Literature Review 9
2.1: Introduction 9
2.2: Anatomy of Sensory Modulation Disorder 9
2.3: The Effects of SMD on the Individual 12
2.4: Specific Research into SMD 15
2.5: The Treatment of SMD 16
2.6: What is Substance Abuse? 17
2.7: Risk factors and Precursors to Substance Abuse 17
2.8: Physiology of Substance Abuse 18
2.9: Traditional Treatment Approaches to Substance abuse 22
2.10: Conclusion 22
Chapter 3: Research Methodology 23
3.1: Research Design 23
3.2: Selection of Subjects 23
3.3: Materials and Methods 23
3.4: Control of Variables 25
3.5: Collection of Data 26
3.6: Data Analysis 29
Chapter 4: Results 31
4.1: Total Sample Results 31
4.2:Results Related to Clients who Presented with Problems in any Area 35
4.3: Results Specific to Vestibular Hypersensitivity 37
4.4: Results Specific to Vestibular Hyposensitivity 38
4.5: Results Specific to the Substance Abuse Problem 39
4.6: Conclusion 46
Chapter 5: Discussion 47
5.1: Total Sample Discussion 47
5.2: Discussion Related to clients who Presented with Problems in any Area 48
5.3: Discussion specific to Vestibular Hypersensitivity 49
5.4: Discussion Specific to Vestibular Hyposensitivity 49
5.5: Discussion Related to the Substance Abuse Problem 50
5.6: Conclusion 51
Chapter 6: Conclusions 52
6.1: Summary of the Research 52
6.2: Recommendations 52
References 54
appendices 1-6 56

List of figures

figure page
1. Gender distribution for the total sample 31
2. Percentages of current ages in the total sample 32
3. Percentages of people in the total sample in each of the occupation sectors 33
4. Marital status in the total sample 34
5. Composition in percentages of the marital status in the vestibular hyposensitive sample with the remaining group 35
6. Mother's age at delivery for the total sample 36
7. Percentage of people in the total sample abusing the particular drug classes 39
8. Percentage of people from the total sample in the allocated ages of onset (in years) of substance abuse 40
9. Percentage of people in the total sample abusing substances for the allocated durations (in years) 41
10. The composition in percentages of people in the total sample presenting with the three types of sensitivity and their substance of abuse 42
11. Comparison between the percentage of people with vestibular hyper- and hyposensitivity, with respect to the specific drug classes 43
12. Comparison of the vestibular hyposensitive people with the remaining group, with respect to the specific drug classes 44
13. Comparison of the vestibular hypersensitive group with the remaining group, with respect to the specific drug classes 45
14. Total sample analysis of the subjective reasons for abusing substances 45